
An open source platform for the evaluation and validation of biomarkers of aging.

Biolearn is a first-of-its-kind, open source platform for the evaluation and unified validation of biomarkers of aging through curating and harmonizing large, high-quality omics and health datasets. It provides tools to easily load data from publicly available sources like the Gene Expression Omnibus, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, and the Framingham Heart Study. Biolearn also contains reference implementations for common aging clocks such as the Horvath clock, DunedinPACE, and many others that can easily be run in only a few lines of code.

Biolearn ultimately integrates findings from the literature, our Biomarkers of Aging Challenge, and other contributions to become a first-in-class tooling for biomarkers of aging analysis and their validation.

Biolearn facilitates:

  • Harmonization of existing aging biomarkers, while presenting a structured framework for novel biomarkers in standardized formats.

  • Unification of public datasets, ensuring coherent structuring and formatting, thus simplifying cross-population validation studies.

  • Provision of computational methodologies to assess any harmonized biomarker against unified datasets.

The data science and geroscience communities may contribute models, datasets, or bioinformatic tools to Biolearn, with either commercial or non-commercial licensing terms, and our development team will facilitate harmonization of these assets and where needed, further develop them to adhere to software development best practices.